Starting a new life in a new country can both be exciting and exhausting. In your first few days in Ontario, you will indeed need to find a place to live, obtain your Social Insurance Number (SIN) and health cards, and open a Canadian bank account. Adjusting to Canadian society can take time but there are many services available to help you along the way. In the meantime, being informed on initial steps towards settlement can ensure that you can:
To access banking, health or educational services, you need to fill out various forms, and submit copies of original documents (birth certificate, school certificates, medical records, employment references, etc.). As a result, many newcomers experience challenges in following Canadian administrative procedures upon arrival. This can happen because of differences in culture and language, but also due to a lack of access to information and assistance. Being properly informed and shown where to get help can ensure a smooth transition to your new life in Ontario.
Your first few months in Ontario can be full of surprises. Taking advantage of our Build ON service before arriving in Ontario will increase your knowledge on the different aspects of settling in your new community. |
By registering today, you will gain access to online workshops and individual consultations while learning about being employed in the Skilled Trades in Ontario. Our Build ON Employment Consultants can help with:
- Referrals to useful services upon arrival in Canada
- Planning for your first days of settlement in Ontario
- Guidance on documentation to bring with you
There are many preparations to make before you move to Ontario. Don’t wait until you land in Canada, start now with Build ON.
Register today and Build ON with us!